ISIS Flexalgo affinity exclude some link from the Slice

  • Choose 2-3 router for FAD, but not all router
  • Config follows configuration at FAD router:
router isis srte
affinity-map red bit-position 23
flex-algo 128
 priority 200
 metric-type delay
 affinity exclude-any red
  • Config follows configuration at exclude/include function router:
router isis srte
affinity-map red bit-position 23
flex-algo 128
 metric-type delay <-- define in FAD
 affinity exclude-any red
inter gix/x/x/x
 affinity flex-algo red
  • Config follows configuration at normal router:
router isis srte
flex-algo 128
  metric-type delay <-- define in FAD
本文出自 Frank's Blog


本文链接:ISIS Flexalgo affinity exclude some link from the Slice
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