
Archive for 22 1 月, 2018

CISCO WAE: wae-db dead but pid file exists


If you found similar alarms, you can follow the guide and try to workaround the issue.


My customer found WAE REST API not workable, after checked, found wae-db have issue and report alarm, as follow.
And try to restart the WAE service and reload VM, not any useful.

[root@wae-auto wae-db]# service --status-all | grep wae
JAVA_EXECUTABLE or HSQLDB_JAR_PATH in '/etc/sysconfig/hsqldb' is set to a non-file.
wae-appenginecore is running OK, with PID=18606
wae-core is running OK, with PID=18163
wae-db dead but pid file exists  <<<<<<
wae-designapiserver is running OK, with PID=18847
wae-messaging is running OK, with PID=17874
wae-ni is running OK, with PID=17525
wae-osc is running OK, with PID=18369
wae-svcs-dashui is running OK, with PID=16652
wae-svcs-db is running OK, with PID=16277
wae-svcs-localrepo is not running
wae-svcs-log is running OK, with PID=16497
wae-svcs-logagent is running OK, with PID=16570
wae-svcs-metricsbkr is running OK, with PID=16716
wae-svcs-metricsd is running OK, with PID=16806
wae-svcs-mon is running OK, with PID=16138
wae-svcs-ui is running OK, with PID=16917
wae-system-server is running OK, with PID=16186
wae-web-server is running OK, with PID=17761


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