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  • 强调过的内容,可能要重复说3-4遍,GPT才真的听进去了,但过了几轮后可能就又忘记了,比如”不着急出优化代码,先讨论问题“;
  • 为了提升效率,对于一些小优化,其实可以提供代码片段,但GPT有时候提供的片段跟代码本身没有强联系;
  • 为了排障,在脚本中增加了一些提示信息(增加执行log)。后面随着不断迭代优化,就会发现有些功能消失了。这种现象很明显,很可能会遇到之前解决过的问题再次出现……

Segment Routing Hands-on

I summaried the hands-on at 2019.7, public on my blog now. So you will find the version is old (652/661), new version(721/731) include more inovation features in SR solution.


I summarized SR/SRTE hands-on-deck that includes our highlight features and show information in the same topology, content includes the following topic, now revised version is v3:

  • Hands-on Brief
  • Segment Routing Basic
  • L3VPN in Segment Routing
  • Interworking between LDP and SR
  • TI-LFA in Segment Routing
  • SRTE Solution in MPLS SR
  • SR IGP Flexible Algorithms
  • Egress Peer Engineering(EPE)
  • SRv6 Solution

Replaced mLACP and NV Cluster by EVPN + Anycast IRB on NCS5500/Fretta


There are two old great features that can achieve Active/Active in multi-chassis:

  • mLACP: ASR9k support, and by ICCP.
  • NV Cluster: only ASR9k support, not need other protocol (e.g ICCP), but not support from 6.x.

So could we have the similar solution on NCS55xx? The answer is “Yes”, we can deploy EVPN + Anycast IRB to achieve the similar function. For this article, no reference to real EVPN environment, only use multi-home A/A EVPN function. And include testing when link failure.


  • If you deploy EVPN + Any IRB, you must to know there are no dynamic IGP protocol between CE/mPE or Host/mPE, only Static or default GW. That due to we couldn’t deploy the same IGP process at two chassis. That should different with NV Cluster. As follow:
  • Due to deploy EVPN that belong to BGP, so we need underlay protocol that can be achieved by LDP or Segment Routing. In this example, will deploy Segment Routing.
  • Traffic(via EVPN) will not forward to the link between two PEs, so no need to deploy inter-link. Except customer has other L3 business in the same PEs.
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