Activate XRv9k Smart License by SSMS

At last article Direct activate XRv9k Smart License, I summarized how to direct activate XRv9k Smart License. Before doing that, XRv9k must be able to access the Internet(Cisco License web). Same as follow picture “Direct Deployment”. But some customers couldn’t let devices access the internet due to security. So we must activate the smart license in another way. That is Smart Software Manager satellite, same as “Mediated Deployment” in the following picture.

Deploy SSMS

Download and Install SSMS

Download “” from CCO software page. Then deploy SSMS by ova file. Ignore this part. Default user: admin, pass: Ciscoadmin!2345

Set new account

login to administrator web page:

Match your CCO smart account and virtual account.

SSMS – Manual Registration

Manual registration.

Generate Registration File

Set up Satellite in

Choose the virtual account and registration file

Generated Authorization File

Activate account by upload authorization file

If the customer buys a new smart license in the same account, need to manual sync up again. Then SSMS will get the new smart license

SSMS – Register Token and activate in XRv9k

After login ““, similar with page. You can management account in Administration, or check smart license in License. generate a new token that same as my last article, so ignore at here.

Register token on XRv9k

Register by http is easy, config as follow:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:iosxrv9000-1#sh run call
Thu Jul 18 05:25:18.608 UTC
 service active
 contact smart-licensing
 profile CiscoTAC-1
  destination address http
  destination transport-method http

If register by https, that will have some issue, please check follow link:

How to register your Device using HTTPS to Satellite Smart-licensing Server

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