6000W Power ISSUE


Customer have two 2500W power, now customer want to replace the 6000W power.
Customer want to check whether impact the business when replace the 6000W.


If customer have power usage exceeds need the downtime, as some of the linecards will go down due to lack of power. In case you have less than 2500w usage on the router, then follow the below steps.

1. have your power supply in redundant mode.
2. pull the power supply which is not active
3. Insert the 6000w power supply, and turn it on
4. Then remove the other 2500w supply if needed.

Base on the IOS problem:
Limited to 4,000 W in WS-C6509 and WS-C6506.

Follow is some documents:
6000 W AC-Input Power Supply (HW Restrict)
Restrict For IOS and Minimum Software (Release 12.2SR)
Removing and Installing the AC-Input Power Supplies (1000W, 1300W, 2500W, 4000W)


C7609#show power
system power redundancy mode = redundant
system power total =     4536.00 Watts (108.00 Amps @ 42V)
system power used =      1800.12 Watts (42.86 Amps @ 42V)
system power available = 2735.88 Watts (65.14 Amps @ 42V)
                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper
PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----
1    PWR-6000-DC        5771.64 137.42 OK     OK     on
2    PWR-6000-DC        5771.64 137.42 OK     OK     on
Note: PS2 capacity is limited to 2940.00 Watts (70.00 Amps @ 42V)
      when PS1 is not present
                        Pwr-Allocated  Oper
Fan  Type               Watts   A @42V State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ -----
1    FAN-MOD-09          241.50  5.75  OK
2    FAN-MOD-09          241.50  5.75  OK
                        Pwr-Requested  Pwr-Allocated  Admin Oper
Slot Card-Type          Watts   A @42V Watts   A @42V State State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----- -----
1    WS-X6724-SFP        125.16  2.98   125.16  2.98  on    on
3    WS-X6704-10GE       377.16  8.98   377.16  8.98  on    on
4    WS-X6724-SFP        125.16  2.98   125.16  2.98  on    on
5    WS-SUP720-3B        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on
6    WS-SUP720-3B        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on
8    WS-X6724-SFP        125.16  2.98   125.16  2.98  on    on

7609 has backplane board power limit: 4536W.
Even though the front end power supply can deliver up to 5771W, the chassis level power is capped by BP power limit.

本文出自 Frank's Blog


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