Install and deploy Cisco WAE 7.1.1
I installed the WAE 6.4.5 at formal and summaried to Blog, e.g: INSTALL CISCO WAE 6.4.5. After 7.0, install/config have big change and similar with NSO that easy/module to deploy. For this article, only talk about how to install and enable.
Auto source profile
Similar with NSO, add “source” command to “.bash_profile” that in MacOS. That will let you direct to login to WAE but not do “source wae711/waerc”, as follow:
[root@frank ~]# echo "source /opt/wae711/waerc" >> .bash_profile [root@frank ~]# more .bash_profile | grep wae source /opt/wae711/waerc
[root@frank ~]# cd /opt/ [root@frank opt]# ls rh WAE-k9-7.1.1-Linux-x86_64.bin [root@frank opt]# bash WAE-k9-7.1.1-Linux-x86_64.bin wae711 Checking for dependencies.. Installing wae into 'wae711' Extracting files to 'wae711' ... Installation Complete. To set up a WAE run directory, execute source wae711/waerc wae-setup To start WAE, execute cd wae [root@frank opt]# source wae711/waerc rh/ wae711/ WAE-k9-7.1.1-Linux-x86_64.bin [root@frank opt]# [root@frank opt]# source wae711/waerc [root@frank opt]# wae-setup wae711-run [root@frank opt]# ls rh wae711 wae711-run WAE-k9-7.1.1-Linux-x86_64.bin [root@frank opt]# cd wae711-run/ [root@frank wae711-run]# wae [root@frank wae711-run]# [root@frank wae711-run]# wae_cli root connected from using ssh on frank root@wae> root@wae> root@wae> switch cli root@wae# root@wae# root@wae#root@wae# exit [root@frank wae711-run]# [root@frank opt]# license_install -file MATE_Floating.lic Please select a destination folder: [1]: /root/.cariden/etc [2]: /opt/wae711/etc 2 License successfully installed. [root@frank wae711-run]# [root@frank wae711-run]# netstat -apn | grep 8443 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2091/ncs.smp [root@frank wae711-run]# [root@frank wae711-run]# license_check Product: WAE Design ====================================== Expiration Date ***** License Version ***** Licensed Nodes ***** Feature Type -------------------------------------- MD_ArchiveUI ***** MD_BGP ***** MD_Changeover ***** MD_Demands ***** MD_DmdDeduct ***** MD_ExpOpt ***** MD_ExpOptTactical ***** MD_GUI ***** MD_Layer1 ***** MD_LSPLoadshare ***** MD_MetricOpt ***** MD_MetricOptTactical ***** MD_Multicast ***** MD_ParseConfigs ***** MD_ParseIGPDB ***** MD_QoS ***** MD_RSVP ***** MD_SegmentRouting ***** MD_Sim ***** MD_SimAnalysis ***** MD_VPN ***** License files searched: /opt/wae711/etc/MATE_Floating.lic System HostID(s):
2018-9-12 Update:
When you install WAE Design client in MACOS 10.13.4, that couldn’t be opened due to an additional security measure, you need to follow the action:Cisco WAE 7.1.1 Release Notes
XXX-M-L2HE:~ XXX$ xattr /Applications/WAE-Design-k9-7.1.1-MacOSX-x86_64/ XXX-M-L2HE:~ XXX$ cd /Applications/WAE-Design-k9-7.1.1-MacOSX-x86_64/ XXX-M-L2HE:WAE-Design-k9-7.1.1-MacOSX-x86_64 XXX$ xattr -r -d
本文链接:Install and deploy Cisco WAE 7.1.1
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你好, 可以给我发一份WAE-k9-7.1.1-Linux-x86_64.bin的镜像么,没cisco的账号下载