Segment Routing Hands-on

I summaried the hands-on at 2019.7, public on my blog now. So you will find the version is old (652/661), new version(721/731) include more inovation features in SR solution.


I summarized SR/SRTE hands-on-deck that includes our highlight features and show information in the same topology, content includes the following topic, now revised version is v3:

  • Hands-on Brief
  • Segment Routing Basic
  • L3VPN in Segment Routing
  • Interworking between LDP and SR
  • TI-LFA in Segment Routing
  • SRTE Solution in MPLS SR
  • SR IGP Flexible Algorithms
  • Egress Peer Engineering(EPE)
  • SRv6 Solution

Revise History

RevDateRevise byComment
1.02019/02/03Frank Zhaoonly include hands-on brief
2.02019/04/16Frank Zhaohands-on based on XR 6.5.2
add some basic and highlight sr feature/solution
detail configuration steps for each lab
detail show information explanation for each lab
3.02019/07/10Frank Zhaoadd srv6 labs(srv6 transport; control srv6 by 6vpe and DX4), based on 6.6.2
update flex-algo labs

SR MPLS Topology

SRv6 Topology


The attached file includes the deck and VIRL topology file (include default configuration). The deck does not include multi-domain, if you want to check multi-domain scenario, can reference “Cisco Service Provider SDN Segment Routing in Action Sandbox” in dCloud.

If you do not have VIRL environment, you can build the testbed by EVE, or GNS3. Can book follow demo in dCloud, I had put 652/661 and hands-on topology to the demo, you can directly use after booking. Demo info as follows(due to the demo I customize, so please ignore instruction guide):

  • Datacenter: CHI
  • ID: 45654
  • Title: SR Workshop for Partner at ShangHai

For Ti-LFA part, not include microloop avoidance in v3, you can reference my another blog: , English version in internal Techzone, not publich on my blog, sorry for that…


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