1. Golden Disk升级
类似于Ghost系统,在现有XR设备(version A)上直接把整个系统文件backup到disk卡中,然后把这个disk卡放到要升级的机箱上(version B),指定boot位置并重启,就可以直接用新系统了(version A)。省了安装系统的时间。但由于需要指定boot路径,另外还需要copy MBI文件到bootflash,所以操作起来感觉不是非常方便。
2013-9-18 更新:
在2010-9-24 更新中的第3和第4小点中,已经总结了一些GoldenDisk的内容。这里再提一下,如果从老版本升级到新版本,如3.6.3到4.0.4,又需要用FAT32,那么一定要把MBI拷贝到bootflash,否则无法识别FAT32;另外还要记住升级前要升级rommona/b的版本,原因下面有解释。在3.6.3上升级rommon的步骤如下:
1. 从官网下载较新的rommon tar文件
2. 拷贝到disk0中
3. 执行upgrade rommon a/b all disk0如果客户安装了很多SMU,又不知道正确的MBI路径,那么可以在老系统中把默认的MBI路径拷贝到bootflash中,然后启动,设备会自动boot这个MBI,如果MBI不正确,它会自动把正确的MBI文件copy到bootflash中,然后重启并用新MBI启动,如下所示:
Install (Node Preparation): Booting with committed software
Install (Node Preparation): Checking free space on /bootflash/
Install (Node Preparation): Copying MBI from /disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4.CSCuc17728-1.0.0/mbihfr-rp.vm
Install (Node Preparation): Copying MBI to /bootflash/disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4.CSCuc17728-1.0.0/mbihfr-rp.vm
insthelper: This node was booted with an incorrect MBI (/bootflash/disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm), rebooting self with correct boot image (/bootflash/disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4.CSCuc17728-1.0.0/mbihfr-rp.vm).
2. Turboboot 升级
完全重新安装,在Rommon模式中download mini PIE文件,感觉像之前IOS环境下的启动新版本那样。只不过XR是要安装,而IOS直接调用。
3. 直接在原有系统上升级
打个比方说,在windows xp的基础上直接升级到windows 7,这样即使windows 7装完了,在新系统中仍然有老系统的东西。所以一般不推荐用这种方法。对于disk存储介质,最好只有1种操作系统,这样稳定些。
2013-11-29 更新:
一种是直接安装PIE文件,如果你的版本是A,要升级B,那么直接active B的PIE即可,但要注意,A和B的PIE要保持一致才能安装,否则会有兼容,如下所示(注:现有系统升级后,配置是保留的):RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#show ins ac sum Wed Nov 20 08:56:25.113 UTC Default Profile: Admin Resources SDRs: Owner Active Packages: disk0:hfr-mpls-px-4.0.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.0.4 disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.0.4 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 sync Wed Nov 20 08:56:33.503 UTC Install operation 34 '(admin) install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:56:33 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. Error: Cannot proceed with the activation because of the following package incompatibilities: Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs iosxr-fwding-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs hfr-fwding-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs hfr-base-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs iosxr-infra-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs hfr-os-support-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: hfr-mgbl-supp-4.0.4 needs iosxr-os-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mgbl-4.0.4 needs iosxr-routing-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mgbl-4.0.4 needs iosxr-fwding-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mgbl-4.0.4 needs iosxr-infra-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mgbl-4.0.4 needs iosxr-os-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-routing-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-fwding-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-infra-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-os-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: Suggested steps to resolve this: Error: - check the installation instructions. Error: - activate or deactivate the specified packages on the specified nodes. Install operation 34 failed at 08:56:40 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)# RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install add tftp:// sync Wed Nov 20 08:57:39.796 UTC Install operation 35 '(admin) install add /tftp:// synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:57:39 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. Info: The following package is now available to be activated: Info: Info: disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 Info: Info: The package can be activated across the entire router. Info: Install operation 35 completed successfully at 08:58:02 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 sync Wed Nov 20 08:58:46.818 UTC Install operation 36 '(admin) install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:58:46 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. Error: Cannot proceed with the activation because of the following package incompatibilities: Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-routing-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-fwding-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-infra-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: iosxr-mpls-4.0.4 needs iosxr-os-4.0.4, or equivalent, to be active on the same nodes. Error: Suggested steps to resolve this: Error: - check the installation instructions. Error: - activate or deactivate the specified packages on the specified nodes. Install operation 36 failed at 08:58:54 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)# RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install deactivate disk0:hfr-mpls-px-4.0.4 Wed Nov 20 08:59:20.777 UTC Install operation 37 '(admin) install deactivate disk0:hfr-mpls-px-4.0.4' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:59:20 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. Info: Install Method: Parallel Process Restart The install operation will continue asynchronously. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#show ins ac sum Wed Nov 20 09:00:36.442 UTC Default Profile: Admin Resources SDRs: Owner Active Packages: disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.0.4 disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.0.4 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)# RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 sync Wed Nov 20 09:00:50.380 UTC Install operation 38 '(admin) install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 09:00:50 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. Info: This operation will reload the following nodes in parallel: Info: 0/7/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner) Info: 0/15/SP (MSC-DRP-SP) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/15/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner) Info: 0/RP0/CPU0 (CRS16-RP-x86) (SDR: Owner) Info: 0/FC0/SP (SP) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/FC1/SP (SP) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/AM0/SP (SP) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/AM1/SP (SP) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM2/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM3/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM4/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM5/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM6/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Info: 0/SM7/SP (140G-Fabric-SP-B) (Admin Resource) Proceed with this install operation (y/n)? [y] Info: Install Method: Parallel Reload Info: The changes made to software configurations will not be persistent across system reloads. Use the command '(admin) install commit' to make changes persistent. Info: Please verify that the system is consistent following the software change using the following commands: Info: show system verify Info: install verify packages Install operation 38 completed successfully at 09:06:24 UTC Wed Nov 20 2013. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:LAB-CRS-1(admin)#另一种方式是直接安装下载后的TAR文件,或者自己做的一个TAR文件,以后有机会抓着部分信息,在更新上去。
CRS一共有两个rommon,rommon A和rommon B。平时启动都是rommon B,rommon A只做一些工厂检测用。[如果rommon A的版本不低于1.52(这是CRS的需求,9k的另需要确认),就不用升级rommon A。因为每次启动都会由rommon A 去disk卡中check一些信息,感觉像是rommon在加载一些命令集(monlib ?),使得如果rommonB不能启动,或是坏了,可以直接从rommon A启动进行检测。如果版本低于1.52,rommon A就会不识别fat32的disk,所以就停在那里无法继续进行加载rommon B,如果是fat16,就没有任何问题]
2012-7-23 更新:
2010-9-24 更新
对于为什么要升级rommon A,前几天又重新看了下文档,发现大概理解了其中的原因:
就目前来说,CRS的rommon没有直接支持FAT32的指令集,所以当启动系统时,需要FAT16的格式。为了让CRS支持FAT32启动,研发人员想出来一个折中的办法,这就是Split Boot,简单说来就是在1.52以后的rommon版本里加了一些特殊的monlib指令(把启动路径自动改为BOOT=bootflash:disk0/mbi.vm),这些指令让系统去bootflash启动MBI,因为bootflash是FAT16的。当MBI启动后,它会去调用disk(FAT32)中其他的启动文件,从而支持FAT32。当然只有rommon里的新指令集是不够的,还要有触发条件—新软件,两者必须匹配,软件3.8.4以后才支持Split Boot。因此当你用FAT32升级3.8.4或更高版本时,如果rommon A的版本还是在1.52之前,那么它不识别FAT32的文件,也不会去bootflash里加载相应的MBI,这样就会不断重启。那么是否在老rommon(1.49)下3.8.4可以用fat16格式的disk直接boot呢?
1. 3.8.4,4.0.4均做过测试,在fat16,能正常读取disk0的信息,另外也会自动把disk0里的mbi拷贝到bootflash中(rommon版本1.49):boot: booting from disk0:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
Sep 24 16:54:10.583 : Install (Node Preparation): Booting with committed software
Sep 24 16:54:45.555 : Install (Node Preparation): Checking free space on /bootflash/
Sep 24 16:54:45.559 : Install (Node Preparation): Copying MBI from /disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
Sep 24 16:54:45.561 : Install (Node Preparation): Copying MBI to /bootflash/disk0/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm2. 对于fat32,因为根本就不识别fat32,所以一直flapping,如下信息(rommon版本1.49):
Fail to open file name mbi_image
Acquiring backplane mastership.succeeded.
Chassis type: 480CARD_RACK_NUMBER: 0
MBI Validation starts …Our MAC address is 0025.8432.4320
Interface link changed state to UP.
Interface link state up.MBI validation sending request.
HIT CTRL-C to abortNo MBI confirmation received from dSC
boot: booting from disk0:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
loadprog: error – on file open
boot: cannot load “disk0:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm“úInitializing DDR SDRAM…found 4096 MB
3. 那么用fat16的disk0启动,格式化disk1为fat32,并用“admin system backup disk1:”做一个Godendisk,另外确保flash里有mbi。重启进入rommon,改启动路径,指向disk1,reset,失败(rommon版本1.49)。。。RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#system backup disk1:
Tue Sep 25 10:01:20.304 UTC
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: formatting target device
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: copying admin configuration
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: copying SDR configuration
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: copying installed software
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: backup complete.
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: verifying admin configuration
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: verifying SDR configuration
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: verifying installed software
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: verify complete.
Info: node0_RP0_CPU0: command succeeded.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show media
Tue Sep 25 10:20:37.669 UTCMedia Information for 0/RP0/CPU0. Image Current Part Mountpoint FsType FsType Size State DrvrPid Mirror Flags ================================================================================ /disk0: FAT16 FAT16 2.0G Mounted 0040982 Enabled /disk0a: FAT16 FAT16 2.0G Mounted 0040982 /disk1: FAT16 FAT32 2.0G Mounted 0720934 Formatted Restar /disk1a: FAT16 FAT32 2.0G Mounted 0720934 Formatted RestarP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#dir bootflash:/disk0
Tue Sep 25 10:21:10.149 UTC
Directory of bootflash:/disk0
2031620 drwx 44 Mon Sep 24 19:23:21 2012 hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4
62390272 bytes total (16181456 bytes free)rommon B2 > unset BOOT
rommon B3 > BOOT=disk1:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
rommon B4 > sync
rommon B5 > resetboot: booting from disk1:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
loadprog: error – on file open
boot: cannot load “disk1:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm“ú
4. 这是为什么?这里有两个原因,首先mbi只存在bootlfash中disk0这个目录下,但系统文件装载在disk1中,所以必须在bootflash中建立一个disk1的目录,并把mbi考到里面;其次因为rommon没有升级,还是1.49,所以也不会去bootflash中找mbi,下面的启动信息是在rommon升级后,mbi也已考到bootflash中disk1文件夹下:validate_mbi: could not find “;” in path
disk1:hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vmAcquiring backplane mastership.succeeded.
Chassis type: 480CARD_RACK_NUMBER: 0
RACK_SERIAL_NUMBER: TBM15279115MBI Validation starts …Our MAC address is 0025.8432.4320
Interface link changed state to UP.
Interface link state up.MBI validation sending request.
HIT CTRL-C to abortNo MBI confirmation received from dSC
boot: booting from bootflash:disk1/hfr-os-mbi-4.0.4/mbihfr-rp.vm
2012-9-4 更新:
1. 下载支持XR的boot image,如“c12kprp-boot-mz.120-32.SY15.bin”并用此软件启动
2. 启动后更改启动参数“config-register 0x0”,进入rommon
3. 设置相关的启动参数,如:
rommon 1 > unset BOOT
rommon 2 > BOOTLDR=bootflash:c12kprp-boot-mz.120-32.SY15.bin
rommon 3 > TURBOBOOT=on,disk0
rommon 4 > sync
rommon 5 > reset
4. reset后加载XR image,“boot tftp c12k-mini.vm-4.1.2”
注意其中需要设置IP、网关地址,TFTP等参数,以及PRP型号和内存大小都有要求。如果内存不够,再加入补丁或安装pie文件时,可能会导致协议flapping,如BGP,因为协议也占用内存的资源,在xr下可以用“show watchdog threshold memory defaults location all” 去查看内存门限及使用情况
Upgrading a Single RP Cisco 12000 Series Router from Cisco IOS Software to Cisco IOS XR Software – 升级过程
Cisco XR 12000 Series Router for Cisco IOS XR Software Release 4.2.3 – 升级XR时,型号,内存的要求注意:如果上面方法不行,那么老老实实的用boot image启动,在boot image里设置register 0x0,然后重启进入rommon,在进行更改。
Cisco IOS XR General Information
ASR9000/XR Understanding Turboboot and initial System bring up
1. 去网站上下载相应的tar文件,下来后解压出来,里面有很多pie文件,升级用mini pie
2. 升级前请确定rommon版本,如需要,先升级rommon版本,在此不作介绍
3. 改变confreg 到0x0, reload localtion all进入rommon
4. 设置网关及自己的地址,注意download ios是通过management口,如下信息:
5. 如果线路质量不是特别好,建议把“TFTP_RETRY_COUNT=3”改成10,否则retry 3次不成功后会失败。
6. 开启Turboboot“TURBOBOOT=on,disk0,format”,其中format是安装前格式整个disk0,所以注意要把需要备份的内容考到其他地方
2013-10-24 更新:
7. 设置完后,用“sync”命令同步,并用“set”去查看是否写上
8. 启动新版本“boot tftp://”,内存加载
9. 启动后会执行Turboboot,format disk0并安装文件,此时系统文件是在memory中,安装好后会自动用新文件(disk中)重启
(admin)#install add source tftp:// asr9k-services-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-k9sec-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-mpls-p.pie-4.2.0 sync
(admin)#install activate disk0:asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 sync
install add source tftp:// xxx activate sync
(admin)#install commit
rommon B4 > TFTP_RETRY_COUNT=10 rommon B5 > sync rommon B6 > boot tftp:// IP_ADDRESS: IP_SUBNET_MASK: DEFAULT_GATEWAY: TFTP_SERVER: TFTP_FILE: asr9k-mini-p.vm-4.2.0 Performing tftpdnld Mgt LAN 0 interface is selected tsec_init_hw: configuring FE (port 1) for: Auto Speed, Auto Duplex tsec_init_interface: hardware initialization completed Receiving asr9k-mini-p.vm-4.2.0 from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tftp_process_packet: last packet, block=58356, size=310. File reception completed. Image size=298313526, TFTP download size=298313526 ..................................................................... program load complete, entry point: 0x201d9c, size: 0x11c7d836 Attempting to start second CPU Config = SMP, Running = SMP Board type: 0x00100304 Card Capability = 0xffffffff BSP: Board type : RO-RSP2 tracelogger: starting tracing in background ring mode tracelogger running with args: -startring -F 1 -F 2 czip:326:mount=/dev/shmem, image=0, remove=0x1 czip: strings=ffff23f0, as=ffff29f8, num=0x480 czip: 356:start_addr=60185000, in_size=0x109e55b2 Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco IOS XR Software for the Cisco XR ASR9K, Version 4.2.0 Copyright (c) 2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc. May 18 06:43:09.167 : Install (Node Preparation): Initializing VS Distributor... May 18 06:43:19.272 : Install (Node Preparation): Booting with committed software FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/fiarsp May 18 06:43:38.629 : TURBOBOOT: Turboboot process started !---Turboboot 开始 May 18 06:43:38.713 : TURBOBOOT: Checking size of device disk0: May 18 06:43:38.752 : TURBOBOOT: OK May 18 06:43:38.776 : TURBOBOORP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:38.792: syslogd_helper: [95]: dsc_event_handler: GotT SysMgr dSC event : 1 : Checking size of MBI device bootflash: May 18 06:43:38.824 : TURBOBOOT: OK May 18 06:43:38.846 : TURBOBOOT: Waiting for Admin Config to complete FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/longbeach FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/tempo May 18 06:43:59.144 : TURBOBOOT: Admin Config completed May 18 06:43:59.222 : TURBOBOOT: Formatting disk0: !---Formatting 开始 ios con0/RSP0/CPU0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. May 18 06:44:05.617 : TURBOBOOT: Formatting disk0: complete May 18 06:44:05.632 : TURBOBOOT: Checking Configuration File System (attempt #1). May 18 06:44:06.688 : TURBOBOOT: Creating any missing directories in ADMIN Configuration File system... May 18 06:44:07.895 : TURBOBOOT: OK May 18 06:44:08.133 : TURBOBOOT: Initializing ADMIN Configuration Version Manager... RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:30.985 : spp[92]: %PKT_INFRA-spp-3-ERR : Node 'port3/classify' disposition 4 ('ptp_off_rx_node') not found, using 'drop' instead RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:35.880 : fiarsp[215]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/fiarsp) Initialization successful for fiarsp RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:45.275 : longbeach[68]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/longbeach) Initialization successful for longbeach RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:46.215 : tempo[406]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/tempo) Initialization successful for tempo RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:46.509 : pwrmon[352]: %PLATFORM-PWRMON-2-MODULE_FAILURE : Power-module 0/PM2/SP failure condition raised RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:47.769 : pwrmon[352]: %PLATFORM-PWRMON-2-MODULE_FAIL_REASON : Power-module 0/PM2/SP fail reason: Module shutdown due to no external stable input power feed present RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:55.223 : cfgmgr-rp[161]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:58.125 : placed[340]: Got node role 4 :1 0 1 RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:43:59.692 : hsbi_fpd_agent[234]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/hsbi_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for hsbi_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:00.553 : rommon_fpd_agent[361]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/rommon_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for rommon_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:03.921 : pfm_node_rp[338]: %PLATFORM-CLKCTRL_T-3-PLL_T0_STATE_FREERUN : Set|tempo[196672]|Timing and CPI Controller(0x101c000)|The clock-control T0 PLL (reference clock for all interfaces) is in FREERUN mode. May 18 06:44:12.176 : TURBOBOOT: OK May 18 06:44:12.212 : TURBOBOOT: Syncing ADMIN commit database with running configuration... May 18 06:44:12.866 : TURBOBOOT: OK May 18 06:44:12.868 : TURBOBOOT: Configuration File System check successful. May 18 06:44:12.871 : TURBOBOOT: Syncing AAA admin plane username configuration... RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.917 : locald_DSC[298]: %SECURITY-LOCALD-3-ROOT_USERDB_INIT_FAIL : Failed to open password file during finalization: path /dev/rdsfs/aaa/__admin__/__root_admin%%, error: No such file or directory RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.919 : locald_DSC[298]: %SECURITY-LOCALD-3-LWA_ADD_FAIL : Failed to add the username admin to lightweight authentication password database: No such file or directory RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.919 : locald_DSC[298]: apply error 2 admin/cfg/gl/aaa/username/admin/group/root-system May 18 06:44:12.942 : TURBOBOOT: OK RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.926 : locald_DSC[298]: %SECURITY-LOCALD-3-LWA_ADD_FAIL : Failed to add the username admin to lightweight authentication password database: No such file or directory RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.926 : locald_DSC[298]: apply error 2 admin/cfg/gl/aaa/username/admin/secret RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.931 : locald_DSC[298]: %SECURITY-LOCALD-3-LWA_ADD_FAIL : Failed to add the username cisco to lightweight authentication password database: No such file or directory RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.931 : locald_DSC[298]: apply error 2 admin/cfg/gl/aaa/username/cisco/group/root-system RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.937 : locald_DSC[298]: %SECURITY-LOCALD-3-LWA_ADD_FAIL : Failed to add the username cisco to lightweight authentication password database: No such file or directory RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:12.937 : locald_DSC[298]: apply error 2 admin/cfg/gl/aaa/username/cisco/secret May 18 06:44:13.316 : TURBOBOOT: Removing insttr directory finished: No error May 18 06:44:13.354 : TURBOBOOT: Cleaning MBI device 'bootflash:' May 18 06:44:14.362 : TURBOBOOT: Cleaning MBI device bootflash: complete May 18 06:44:17.397 : TURBOBOOT: Detected install director running after 3 seconds RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:19.059 : uti_fpd_agent[415]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/uti_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for uti_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:44:19.800 : sysmgr[96]: %OS-SYSMGR-4-MANDATORY_REBOOT_OVERRIDE : mandatory reboot option overridden by request Install operation 1 '(admin) install copy-package mem: to disk0:' started by user '(Unknown)' via CLI at 06:44:23 UTC Fri May 18 2012. May 18 06:44:38.922 : TURBOBOOT: Checking available free space in disk0: May 18 06:44:48.732 : TURBOBOOT: Done May 18 06:44:48.741 : TURBOBOOT: Copying installed files from mem: to disk0: !---开始安装系统文件,从memory到disk0 May 18 06:44:48.794 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-os-4.2.0 May 18 06:44:48.794 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:44:48.802 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-ce-4.2.0 May 18 06:44:48.802 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:44:50.204 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-ce-4.2.0 May 18 06:44:50.228 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-fpd-4.2.0 May 18 06:44:50.229 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:46:19.076 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-fpd-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:19.135 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-cpp-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:19.136 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:46:42.633 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-cpp-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:42.647 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-scfclient-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:42.648 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:46:43.257 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-scfclient-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:43.270 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-diags-supp-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:43.270 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:46:44.253 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-diags-supp-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:44.291 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-fwding-4.2.0 May 18 06:46:44.292 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:47:42.287 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-fwding-4.2.0 May 18 06:47:42.324 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-base-4.2.0 May 18 06:47:42.325 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:48:14.907 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-base-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:14.922 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:14.922 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:48:29.464 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:29.486 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: iosxr-ce-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:29.486 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:48:40.023 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: iosxr-ce-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:40.037 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: iosxr-diags-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:40.037 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:48:41.422 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: iosxr-diags-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:41.444 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: iosxr-routing-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:41.444 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:48:58.596 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: iosxr-routing-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:58.674 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: iosxr-fwding-4.2.0 May 18 06:48:58.674 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:51:05.567 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: iosxr-fwding-4.2.0 May 18 06:51:05.680 : TURBOBOOT: Copying package/meta-data contents: iosxr-infra-4.2.0 May 18 06:51:05.680 : TURBOBOOT: Please wait... May 18 06:53:09.370 : TURBOBOOT: Copying complete: iosxr-infra-4.2.0 May 18 06:53:10.428 : TURBOBOOT: May 18 06:53:10.428 : TURBOBOOT: Packages have been copied to disk0:. Removing this device could be disruptive to the system. May 18 06:53:10.428 : TURBOBOOT: May 18 06:53:10.429 : TURBOBOOT: Copying the MBI to bootflash: !---Turboboot默认直接把新的MBI考到bootflash中,所以不用手动copy RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:54:01.379 : lrd[302]: %HA-LRD-4-UNEXPECTED : Unexpected: mgmt_node_timeout_handler: LR plane ready signalled but band not final: 0x%x : 0x4 : pkg/bin/lrd : (PID=221256) : -Traceback= 4d8f4ec4 4c25ead8 4c25c8e0 4c25c9e4 4c2d59f0 4c2c53c4 May 18 06:55:14.112 : TURBOBOOT: New boot image is disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm May 18 06:55:14.112 : TURBOBOOT: The newly copied package(s) will be activated upon reload for the following card types: May 18 06:55:14.113 : TURBOBOOT: RP May 18 06:55:14.113 : TURBOBOOT: NP24-40x1GE May 18 06:55:14.114 : TURBOBOOT: NP24-4x10GE May 18 06:55:14.114 : TURBOBOOT: NP80-8x10GE May 18 06:55:14.114 : TURBOBOOT: NP40-40x1GE May 18 06:55:14.114 : TURBOBOOT: NP40-4x10GE May 18 06:55:14.114 : TURBOBOOT: NP40-8x10GE May 18 06:55:14.115 : TURBOBOOT: A9K-SIP-700 May 18 06:55:14.115 : TURBOBOOT: NP40-2_20_COMBO May 18 06:55:14.115 : TURBOBOOT: NP80-16x10GE May 18 06:55:14.115 : TURBOBOOT: A9K-SIP-500 May 18 06:55:14.115 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-24x10GE May 18 06:55:14.116 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-2x100GE May 18 06:55:14.116 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-5x40GE May 18 06:55:14.116 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-8x10GE May 18 06:55:14.116 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-MOD-SMEM May 18 06:55:14.116 : TURBOBOOT: NP200-MOD-LMEM May 18 06:55:14.117 : TURBOBOOT: A9K-SIP-AVSM May 18 06:55:14.117 : TURBOBOOT: Reload then run this boot image to activate copied packages. May 18 06:55:14.117 : TURBOBOOT: Package copy operation is complete. Install operation 1 completed successfully at 06:55:14 UTC Fri May 18 2012. May 18 06:55:14.358 : TURBOBOOT: All node preparations complete: Node 0/0/CPU0 successfully completed the preparation. Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 successfully completed the preparation. !---完成Turboboot May 18 06:55:14.377 : TURBOBOOT: Resetting TURBOBOOT rommon variable to (TURBOBOOT=). !---重置Turboboot参数 May 18 06:55:15.575 : TURBOBOOT: Setting config-register to autoboot the router and disable send break. !---很人性化,连config-re也不用改了 May 18 06:55:15.603 : TURBOBOOT: Turboboot completed successfully: the router will now reload from disk May 18 06:55:15.605 : TURBOBOOT: *** RESETTING IN 30 SECONDS *** !---重启,加载新的软件版本 RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:55:45.671 : shelfmgr[371]: %PLATFORM-SHELFMGR-3-NODE_CPU_RESET : Node 0/0/CPU0 CPU reset detected. [0x1902c2fb2b] Record Reboot History, reboot cause = 0x4000042, descr = Cause: Turboboot completed successfully Process: easybake3 Traceback: 4c2461b4 4c24rebooting Selecting ROMMON Image... B DDR in Interleaved mode POST 1 : PASSED : code 0 : DDR2 Memory Quick Test CPU Reset Reason = 0x000d POST 2 : PASSED : code 0 : FPGA Flash Image CRC Checks Loading Field Programmable Devices: FPGA 0-B PROGRAMMED : image: 0xff500028 - 0xff576cca, et: 117ms FPGA 1-B PROGRAMMED : image: 0xff400028 - 0xff4d1034, et: 206ms FPGA 2-B PROGRAMMED : image: 0xff100028 - 0xff276358, et: 369ms FPGA 3-B PROGRAMMED : image: 0xff000028 - 0xff0454a8, et: 69ms System Bootstrap, Version 1.05(20101118:025914) [ASR9K ROMMON], Copyright (c) 1994-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 17-Nov-10 18:59 by saurabja CPUCtrl: 1.17 [00000001/00000011] ClkCtrl: 1.23 [00000001/00000017] IntCtrl: 1.15 [00000001/0000000f] Punt: 1.5 [00000001/00000005] CBC: 1.2 BID: 0x0006 PPC 8641D (partnum 0x8004), Revision 03.00, (Core Version 02.02) M8641 CLKIN: 66 Mhz Core Clock: 1333 Mhz MPX Clock: 533 Mhz LBC Clock: 33 Mhz POST 3 : PASSED : code 0 : Slot ID/Board Type Validity PCI-E1: Ready as Root Complex PCI-E2: Ready as Root Complex set_chassis_type: chassis_type=0xef02ff found=TRUE ASR9K (8641D PPC) platform with 8192 Mb of main memory program load complete, entry point: 0x100000, size: 0x2ac20 program load complete, entry point: 0x100000, size: 0x2ac20 MBI Candidate = disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm CARD_SLOT_NUMBER: 0 CPU_INSTANCE: 1 MBI Validation starts ... Mgt LAN 0 interface is selected tsec_init_hw: configuring FE (port 2) for: Auto Speed, Auto Duplex tsec_init_interface: hardware initialization completed Interface link changed state to UP. Interface link state up. MBI validation sending request. HIT CTRL-C to abort ......... No MBI confirmation received from dSC AUTOBOOT: Boot string = disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm,1; !---可以看到已经正常从disk0启动了 AUTOBOOT: autobootstate=0, autobootcount=0, cmd=boot disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.2.0/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm program load complete, entry point: 0x100000, size: 0x2ac20 MBI size from header = 21578140,Bootflash resident MBI filesize = 21578140 ................................................................................... program load complete, entry point: 0x201d9c, size: 0x149329c Attempting to start second CPU Config = SMP, Running = SMP Board type: 0x00100304 Card Capability = 0xffffffff ################################################################################################################### BSP: Board type : RO-RSP2 tracelogger: starting tracing in background ring mode tracelogger running with args: -startring -F 1 -F 2 Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco IOS XR Software for the Cisco XR ASR9K, Version 4.2.0 Copyright (c) 2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc. May 18 06:57:02.001 : Install (Node Preparation): Initializing VS Distributor... May 18 06:57:12.134 : Install (Node Preparation): Booting with committed software FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/fiarsp RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:06.328: syslogd_helper: [95]: dsc_event_handler: Got SysMgr dSC event : 1 FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/longbeach FPD ltrace_file_name => fpd-agent/tempo RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:57:57.906 : spp[92]: %PKT_INFRA-spp-3-ERR : Node 'port3/classify' disposition 4 ('ptp_off_rx_node') not found, using 'drop' instead RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:04.281 : fiarsp[215]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/fiarsp) Initialization successful for fiarsp RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:10.472 : longbeach[68]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/longbeach) Initialization successful for longbeach RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:11.283 : pwrmon[352]: %PLATFORM-PWRMON-2-MODULE_FAILURE : Power-module 0/PM2/SP failure condition raised RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:11.445 : tempo[406]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/tempo) Initialization successful for tempo RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:12.346 : pwrmon[352]: %PLATFORM-PWRMON-2-MODULE_FAIL_REASON : Power-module 0/PM2/SP fail reason: Module shutdown due to no external stable input power feed present RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:22.818 : cfgmgr-rp[161]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:37.575 : placed[340]: Got node role 4 :1 0 1 RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:41.589 : hsbi_fpd_agent[234]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/hsbi_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for hsbi_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:42.452 : rommon_fpd_agent[361]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/rommon_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for rommon_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:48.677 : pfm_node_rp[338]: %PLATFORM-CLKCTRL_T-3-PLL_T0_STATE_FREERUN : Set|tempo[217093]|Timing and CPI Controller(0x101c000)|The clock-control T0 PLL (reference clock for all interfaces) is in FREERUN mode. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:58:53.005 : cfgmgr-rp[161]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session ios con0/RSP0/CPU0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 06:59:06.520 : uti_fpd_agent[415]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/uti_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for uti_fpd_agent RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 07:00:12.947 : placed[340]: LR-PLANE-READY DECLARATION RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 07:00:14.315 : cfgmgr-rp[161]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session User Access Verification Username: cisco Password: RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:01:39.377 : fialc[169]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/fialc) Initialization successful for fialc LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:01:40.138 : fca_server[168]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/fca_server) Initialization successful for fca_server LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:01:49.751 : fialc[169]: %PLATFORM-UPGRADE_FPD-4-DOWN_REV : fpga1 instance 0 is down-rev (V0.42), upgrade to (V0.43). Use the "upgrade hw-module fpd" CLI in admin mode. LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:01:49.751 : fca_server[168]: %PLATFORM-UPGRADE_FPD-4-DOWN_REV : fpga2 instance 0 is down-rev (V0.09), upgrade to (V0.10). Use the "upgrade hw-module fpd" CLI in admin mode. LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:01:49.752 : fialc[169]: %PLATFORM-UPGRADE_FPD-4-DOWN_REV : fpga1 instance 1 is down-rev (V0.42), upgrade to (V0.43). Use the "upgrade hw-module fpd" CLI in admin mode. LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:12.023 : hsbi_fpd_agent[192]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/hsbi_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for hsbi_fpd_agent LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:12.665 : rommon_fpd_agent[303]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/rommon_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for rommon_fpd_agent LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:13.324 : rommon_fpd_agent[303]: %PLATFORM-UPGRADE_FPD-4-DOWN_REV : rommon instance 0 is down-rev (V1.03), upgrade to (V1.05). Use the "upgrade hw-module fpd" CLI in admin mode. LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:17.283 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:17.285 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:17.286 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:17.287 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:19.911 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:19.911 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:19.912 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:19.912 : fialc[169]: mace_client_init: Client already connected LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:21.403 : mace_fpd_agent[249]: DEBUG: FPD ltrace (fpd-agent/mace_fpd_agent) Initialization successful for mace_fpd_agent LC/0/0/CPU0:May 18 07:02:22.052 : mace_fpd_agent[249]: %PLATFORM-UPGRADE_FPD-4-DOWN_REV : cpld1 instance 0 is down-rev (V0.19), upgrade to (V1.00). Use the "upgrade hw-module fpd" CLI in admin mode. * * The idle timeout is soon to expire on this line * ios con0/RSP0/CPU0 is now available Press RETURN to get started. User Access Verification Username: cisco Password: RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#install add source tftp:// asr9k-services-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-k9sec-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-mpls-p.pie-4.2.0 sync !---安装需要的PIE,这只是安装到disk0中,如果应用,需要激活 Fri May 18 08:03:30.369 UTC Install operation 5 '(admin) install add source /tftp:// asr9k-services-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-k9sec-p.pie-4.2.0 asr9k-mpls-p.pie-4.2.0 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:03:30 UTC Fri May 18 2012. Info: The following packages are now available to be activated: Info: Info: disk0:asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 Info: disk0:asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 Info: disk0:asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 Info: Info: The packages can be activated across the entire router. Info: Install operation 5 completed successfully at 08:04:31 UTC Fri May 18 2012. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#install active disk0:asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 sync !---激活安装后的PIE文件 Fri May 18 08:06:17.801 UTC Install operation 6 '(admin) install activate disk0:asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 08:06:18 UTC Fri May 18 2012. Info: The following sequence of sub-operations has been determined to Info: minimize any impact: Info: Info: Sub-operation 1: Info: Install Method: Parallel Process Restart Info: asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 Info: Info: Sub-operation 2: Info: Install Method: Parallel Process Restart Info: asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 Info: Info: Sub-operation 3: Info: Install Method: Parallel Process Restart Info: asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 Info: \ 28% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:07:53.358 : insthelper[65]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session \ 38% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options) This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to [email protected]. | 38% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:09:10.381 : ike[432]: %SECURITY-IMP-4-MSG_WARN : (ike_imp_chan_open) /dev/ipsec/imp Successful RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:09:10.639 : ike[432]: %SECURITY-IKE-4-WARNING : You may want to configure a hostname RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:09:10.650 : ike[432]: %SECURITY-IKE-4-WARNING : You may want to configure a domain-name - 61% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:09:15.073 : insthelper[65]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session \ 95% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:10:42.301 : insthelper[65]: ISSU: Starting sysdb bulk start session Info: The changes made to software configurations will not be persistent Info: across system reloads. Use the command '(admin) install commit' to Info: make changes persistent. Info: Please verify that the system is consistent following the software Info: change using the following commands: Info: show system verify Info: install verify packages - 100% complete: The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:May 18 08:10:55.096 : instdir[241]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-4-ACTIVE_SOFTWARE_COMMITTED_INFO : The currently active software is not committed. If the system reboots then the committed software will be used. Use 'install commit' to commit the active software. Install operation 6 completed successfully at 08:10:55 UTC Fri May 18 2012. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)# RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#sh ins ac sum Fri May 18 08:12:18.892 UTC Default Profile: SDRs: Owner Active Packages: disk0:asr9k-services-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-mini-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-k9sec-p-4.2.0 disk0:asr9k-mpls-p-4.2.0 RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#install commit
本文链接:Upgrade XR for ASR9k/CRS/GSR by TURBOBOOT
版权声明:本文为原创文章,仅代表个人观点,版权归 Frank Zhao 所有,转载时请注明本文出处及文章链接
An related ENGLISH article for reference:
How to format like this:
/disk1: FAT16 FAT32 2.0G Mounted 0720934 Formatted Restar
/disk1a: FAT16 FAT32 2.0G Mounted 0720934
Normally we see like that:
/disk1: FAT16 FAT32 3.4G Mounted 0930002 Formatted Restarted
/disk1a: FAT16 FAT16 0.5G Mounted 0930002 Restarted
Which size should we use ? 2G/2G or 3.4G/0.5G ?
1. only format way:
“format disk1: partition filesystem fat32 location 0/RP1/CPU0”
Currently, you should format standby RP, then resync and boot normal for standby RP, then switchover, then use same way to format disk0:
2. if need delete partition, e.g: you want to delete 2G, you can reference follow link:
If need, I will summary this on new article.
– type ‘sync’ after setting the rommon variable:
– the ‘sync’ is effectively ‘save’.
otherwise the new image will be saved in mem than in disk0, with following error:
rommonA instance 0 is down-rev (V2.03), upgrade to (V2.10). Please consult TAC or Firmware Upgrade documentation before proceeding to upgrade rommonA.
%INSTALL-TURBOBOOT-4-ROMMON_VARIABLE_NOT_SET : TURBOBOOT rommon variable not set; system is membooting. Set TURBOBOOT rommon variable to ‘on’ to diskboot the system.!! Memboot is unsupported. Behavior could be undefined !!