Auto check share memory utilization for IOX by Python
In some scenario, we need to monitor some data in router/switch by automation. This article will show example that how to check share memory utilization. And you can easy to change the script base on your requirement/scenario.
Due to “telnetlib” couldn’t exactly check expect messages by read_until() function (that couldn’t control exactly time when the info return to buffer), so I change to “expect”. And follow Bo’s example Python Expect Demo, and there is a good documents for expect demo from IBM too: 探索 Pexpect,第 2 部分:Pexpect 的实例分析
You can install the expect by follow steps:
tar -xzvf pexpect-2.3.tar.gz
cd pexpect-2.3
python setup install (require root)
Back to our example, at sometime, we maybe match share memory issue, and couldn’t do anything when issue happened… we want to check which process take so many memory, so need to check that by automation, as follow cli info, want to check totally “Usage(KB)“:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9001-B#show shmwin summary Fri Aug 25 03:24:24.008 UTC ---------------------------------------- Shared memory window summary information ---------------------------------------- Virtual Memory size : 1024 MBytes Virtual Memory Range : 0x9c000000 - 0xdc000000 Virtual Memory Group 2 size : 352 MBytes Virtual Memory Group 2 Range : 0x66000000 - 0x7c000000 Window Name ID GRP #Usrs #Wrtrs Ownr Usage(KB) Peak(KB) Peak Timestamp ---------------- --- --- ----- ------ ---- --------- -------- ------------------- soasync-app-1 34 1 2 2 1054 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-6 43 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-5 41 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-4 39 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-3 37 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- ......
So we can use follow python to achieve that:
#-*- encoding:UTF-8 -*- import pexpect import getpass,os import re ########## variable ########## host = [ '', '', '' ]; flag = "====================================================" print ">>> please put the username/pass for asr9k" username = raw_input('Hostname: ') password = getpass.getpass() # avoid password echo by function getpass ########## main function ########## for x in range(0, len(host)): conn = pexpect.spawn("telnet "+host[x]) index1 = conn.expect(["Username", "telnet: connect to address", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if (index1 != 0): print flag print ">>> hostname " + host[x] + ". login failured due to no route or other issue!" conn.close(force=True) continue conn.sendline(username) index2 = conn.expect(["Password: ", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=1) if (index2 != 0): print flag print ">>> hostname " + host[x] + ", empty username or other issue!" conn.close(force=True) continue conn.sendline(password) index3 = conn.expect(["#", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=1) if (index3 != 0): print flag print ">>> hostname " + host[x] + ". User/Pass not correct!" conn.close(force=True) continue hostname = re.split(':', conn.before)[1] print flag print ">>> hostname: " + hostname conn.sendline("term len 0") conn.expect("#") conn.sendline("show shmwin summary") conn.expect(hostname) shmwin = conn.before conn.sendline("exit") lines = shmwin.split("\n") tvms = int(lines[5].split()[4]) # data in rows 5 and columns 4, please notices, list counter from "0" print ">>> totaly share memory: " + str(tvms) total = 0 for i in range(12, len(lines)-1): used = int(lines[i].split()[6]) total += used print ">>> share memory ultilization:" + str(total/tvms) f = open('frank.txt', 'a') f.write(flag + '\n') f.write(">>> " + hostname + '\n') f.write(flag + '\n') f.write(shmwin + '\n') f.close()
Follow console test result, I simulate 4 scenario:
- Empty username
- Authentication failed
- No route
- Login success
[root@frank ~]# python >>> please put the username/pass for asr9k Hostname: Password: ==================================================== >>> hostname, empty username or other issue! ==================================================== >>> hostname login failured due to no route or other issue! ==================================================== >>> hostname, empty username or other issue! [root@frank ~]# [root@frank ~]# python >>> please put the username/pass for asr9k Hostname: cisco Password: ==================================================== >>> hostname User/Pass not correct! ==================================================== >>> hostname login failured due to no route or other issue! ==================================================== >>> hostname User/Pass not correct! [root@frank ~]# [root@frank ~]# python >>> please put the username/pass for asr9k Hostname: cisco Password: ==================================================== >>> hostname: ASR9001-B >>> totaly share memory: 1024 >>> share memory ultilization:37 ==================================================== >>> hostname login failured due to no route or other issue! ==================================================== >>> hostname: ASR9001-B >>> totaly share memory: 1024 >>> share memory ultilization:37
After exec the script, all show info will auto backup to “frank.txt”, as follow:
[root@frank ~]# more frank.txt ==================================================== >>> ASR9001-B ==================================================== show shmwin summary Fri Aug 25 03:54:56.892 UTC ---------------------------------------- Shared memory window summary information ---------------------------------------- Virtual Memory size : 1024 MBytes Virtual Memory Range : 0x9c000000 - 0xdc000000 Virtual Memory Group 2 size : 352 MBytes Virtual Memory Group 2 Range : 0x66000000 - 0x7c000000 Window Name ID GRP #Usrs #Wrtrs Ownr Usage(KB) Peak(KB) Peak Timestamp ---------------- --- --- ----- ------ ---- --------- -------- ------------------- soasync-app-1 34 1 2 2 1054 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-6 43 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-5 41 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-4 39 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-3 37 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-2 35 1 1 1 0 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- soasync-1 33 1 2 2 442 2 0 --/--/---- --:--:-- ipsla_ot 51 1 2 1 280 7 7 08/09/2017 23:14:39 vkg_l2vpn_bport 73 1 1 1 1186 1547 1547 08/09/2017 23:14:25 ......
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